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Tinley Topics is a nonpartisan site focused entirely on all things Tinley Park. Tinley Topics is dedicated to sharing information about Tinley Park and engaging Tinley Park residents in informed discussions on the issues important to our community. Every Tinley Park resident is invited to join the discussion and to be a part of the Tinley Topics community.
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Grissom Middle School Conducts Active Shooter Drill
Police and Fire presence at Grissom Middle School in Tinley Park is part of an active shooter drill, Tinley Park Police said Wednesday.
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Manager Position Open At Emagine Frankfort
Emagine Frankfort is currently hiring for a Full-Time Manager position. Experience the magic of movies and more. Apply to the position today at the link below.
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More Perks For Insiders In The Works?
Last week, South Cook News was first to report that a series of “Lenny’s Gas N Wash” corporations donated $31,270 to the mayor’ and his One Tinley Park political committee.
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Political Insiders Continue To Push For Unpopular Racino
Tinley Park Mayor Michael Glotz continues to lobby the public and state officials in hopes of gaining control over the controversial Tinley Park Mental Health Center with plans to sell to developer Rick Heidner.
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Tinley Topics Blog
Tinley Park political insiders putting the cart before the horse
For most people there is a process to expanding a business. Get the zoning approval if needed. Get the permits, Build the business. Open the businesses. Then depending on the type of business, request the proper license to sell liquor or set up video gaming.
That is the normal procedure. Unless, of course, you happen to be the top donor to Mayor Mike Glotz’s political campaign with more than $20,000 in donations.
At least this is how it is working for Lenny’s Gas N’ Wash, which is looking to expand in Tinley Park. The Village Board voted to provide a liquor and gaming license for an expansion that has not yet been given approval for the necessary zoning changes.
This may not seem like a big deal, but this is not how government should function. There should be a fair process. There is no reason to hand out liquor and gaming licenses until the zoning issues are resolved. Given that Lenny’s Gas N’ Wash owner Leonard McEnrey has contributed so much to Glotz’s campaign, the zoning changes will likely be approved. But what if they aren’t? What then?
Because of how this situation has been handled every liquor license and application the Village denies will be called into question and if this continues, fewer and fewer businesses will want to locate in Tinley Park. Pay-to-play politics will hurt our ability to recruit new businesses to our community. There is nothing wrong with Lenny’s Gas N’ Wash expanding, but let’s make sure the process is above board and make sure this company is subject to the same rules and same regulations and procedures as every other business looking to invest in Tinley Park.
Tinley Topics Blog
Pay to Play alive and well in Tinley Park
Pay to Play is the Illinois way – at least in Tinley Park.
Leonard McEnrey, who owns “Lenny’s Gas N Wash” is one of Mayor Mike Glotz’s top campaign contributors. Several business entities operating under the “Lenny’s Gas N Wash” brand donated more than $31,000 to Glotz’s One Tinley Park PAC including $20,000 in donations last February.
Now Leonard McEnrey is seeking a special permit to build a third Lenny’s Gas Wash truck stop in Tinley Park.
Is this another example of the pay to play politics that has plagued our state and our community for decades? It certainly has the appearance of pay to play politics.
Is there a link between the campaign donations and the requested special permit? Would the special permit even be considered without the donations to Glotz’s political campaign? Was there a back-room deal made last February? Is there a cost for permits like this in Tinley Park?
We probably will never know the answers to these questions but we as citizens should raise these questions and relentlessly pursue the truth. Our leaders should put the interests of Tinley Park first. If allowing Leonard McEnrey to build another “Lenny’s Gas N Wash” is what is best for Tinley Park, it shouldn’t cost thousands of dollars in campaign donations to get the go ahead to move forward with the project.
Unfortunately, the message being sent is that permits are for sale in Tinley Park. Potential businesses wanting to invest in Tinley Park are watching the “Lenny’s Gas N Wash” situation and are rethinking their intention to locate their business in Tinley Park because they want no part of pay to play politics.
If we want more businesses and more jobs in Tinley Park, we must make it clear pay to politics has no place in Tinley Park. One of the best ways to accomplish this is for Mayor Mike Glotz to return Leonard McEnrey’s campaign contributions. Will Glotz put Tinley Park first and do the right thing or will he cling to the politics of the past and keep the campaign cash? The answer to that question will tell us everything we need to know about the person leading our community.
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Tinley Topics is a nonpartisan site focused entirely on all things Tinley Park. Tinley Topics is dedicated to sharing information about Tinley Park and engaging Tinley Park residents in informed discussions on the issues important to our community.